icons / ROYAL AMBER. Glass one wick / Glass three wicks

ROYAL AMBER. Glass one wick / Glass three wicks

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Ref: 333200.244

This fragrance is an exotic blend of woody and spicy notes. It is followed by a warm and mysterious heart of Bulgarian rose with oud. The notes of tobacco leaves and vetiver provide a smoky and earthy nuance while Mysore sandalwood and amber wrap the mixture in a persistent sensuality over time.

Notas olfativas: Sándalwood, Amber, Oud and Vetiver.

Life span (small): 35 hrs.

Life span (large): 70 hrs.

Size: Glass one wick

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Instructions for use:
- Always put the candle on heat resistant surfaces. Avoid stoves and other hot surfaces.
- Avoid turning on the candle in rooms meant for children or pets.
- Always keep the candle in a vertical position to ensure the wax burns smoothly and evenly. When the candle is turned off, let the wax cool off before turning the candle on again.
- Keep the candle’s wick cut 1 cm over the wax, to ensure the burning is optimal.
- Keep the wax free of dust and other particles.
- Always use the candle away from flammable materials, airways and fans. If you are using more than one candle, maintain a minimum distance of 10cm between them.
- Turn off the candle after 4 hours of uninterrupted use. Do not leave the candle unattended while it’s turned on. Always use a candle snuffer.
- Always turn off the candle before the wax is fully consumed, leaving 1 cm of wax minimum.

- Do not swallow.
- Keep away from children and pets.
- Avoid releasing wax fumes into the environment.
- If you need medical advice, the candle’s box and label has relevant information.

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